World War I Memorial Restoration
In May 2017, Scout Patrick Hayden completed his Eagle Scout project with the restoration of the World War I Memorial and surrounding area. The two aged pine trees were removed along with the soil in the common area and the perimeter was painted. In addition, new topsoil was added with new shrubs, plants and flowers. The new topsoil was needed due to the highly acidic soil from the pine needles over many years which killed many of the surrounding plants. New park benches were installed along with new lights and a refurbished flag pole.

Wellness Council member Karen Duncan (3rd from left) Stands with Patrick Hayden (2nd from left) and his parents at the Eagle Scout Ceremony on March 4, 2018 as he receives his Eagle Scout award at the Seaford Firehouse for completing his project to refurbish the World War I Memorial Site.
Seaford Gazebo Restoration
The Seaford Wellness Council in June, 2017 refurbished the gazebo by replacing lost and damaged spindles, power washing the entire gazebo and giving it a fresh coat of paint. Recently replaced flower planters enhance the overall beauty of the area.
Washington Avenue Park Restoration
On April 15, 2005, nomination forms requesting funds for the restoration of the park were sent to Nassau County by the Wellness Council, the Lions Club, the Chamber of Commerce, Seaford Manor PTA, the Booster Club and the Key Club. “The nominations detailed the condition of the park and included suggestions for its improvement. “As a result, the Wellness Council met with Nassau County Park officials on Monday June 27, 2005 to survey the park and plan on a program for its restoration. “We are delighted to report that Nassau County has earmarked $581,000 from the Environmental Bond Issue to the restoration of Washington Ave. Park. “In addition, the Nassau County Parks Dept. capital budget has allocated an additional $369,000 for upgrades and improvements to the park.”​
Washington Avenue Park in Seaford was re-dedicated on the heels of more than $1 million in improvements completed to the 4-acre parcel. The renovations to the Nassau County-owned park’s two Little League baseball/softball fields includes the installation of synthetic turf infields and re-seeded natural grass outfields.
The fields, which are sunken below adjacent Washington and Jerusalem Avenues, will also be incorporating extensive drainage systems in an attempt to ensure that they can be played on rapidly following rainfall. The $1.1 million project is passed by voters and Nassau County's Capital Improvement fund. A major reason the improvements to Washington Avenue Park were accomplished was the hard work of the Seaford Wellness Counsel, which were the bond applicants and sponsoring community group for the project. In his speech at the Sept. 12 ceremony Nassau County Executive Edward Mangano credited the efforts of the Seaford Wellness Counsel for helping to make the improvements to the park a reality. “I know a lot of people worked real, real hard to make the improvements that we are enjoying today,” said Mangano.
Attending the Sept. 12 ceremony re-dedicating Washington Avenue Park were members of the Seaford Little League and Long Island Greyhounds softball travel team, who despite rainy conditions played games that morning on the park's two fields. “This field prior to it being turf would not hold the water” said Steve Piorkowski, head coach of the Long Island Greyhounds, whose home field is Washington Avenue Park. “Now anything that would have been puddles is going to be drained, the kids are going to play, we're not going to have to re-schedule games and they are going to get a lot more experience and playing time.”
The facelift also consisted of adding new dugouts, stands for spectators and fencing. New ADA-compliant playgrounds have also been constructed for both pre-school and school-aged children along with new restrooms, parking lots, pathways and a fitness trail. There will also be a concession stand that will help supply revenue to support the Seaford Little League and Greyhounds softball teams.